Sunday 5 September 2010


I'm currently reading PIRATE LATITUDES, by Michael Chrichton. I was surfing the web trying to get some info about it and I came across A TRAILER FOR THE NOVEL! Wow, I thought! They know how to engage people in reading books!
I've always envied the British and the Americans for their marketing abilities when promoting books and novels! They make you want to read them straight away! And what is more, they are cheap and accessible if you're short of money! I love reading, but I don't want to spend half my budget in a copy of the book. If you want to read LATITUDES PIRATAS in Spanish, you'll have to pay 18.50 €, but you can read the English paperback edition of PIRATE LATITUDES for just 9.50 € What do you think? Isn't English a good way of saving money!
Well, have a look at the trailer and keep on reading in English, Spanish or whatever languages you can!

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