Tuesday, 14 April 2020


This image has 14 hidden QR codes in it! Hoover the mouse over the image and when they pop out. scan them with a QR scanner with your smartphone. Then, study the information to find the answer to one of these 14 questions. This activity is an adaptation of a Robert Campbell's activity published in IT'S MAGAZINE 23 years ago. Used with permission. http://www.robertcampbell.info/its-magazine QUESTIONS When and where did the Titanic sink? Name the two stars of the film Titanic. What happened to Isidor Straus and his wife? Who, what or where was Carpathia? Why was the Titanic believed to be "unsinkable"? What happened to the Titanic in 1987? What was the final number of dead? Why did so many people die? When was the wreck of the Titanic discovered? Why didn't The Californian go to help the Titanic? What did the ship's band do while the Titanic was sinking? How much did the film Titanic cost to make?

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